Self Compacting Concrete

Techno Prime RMC Private Limited is a leading manufacturer and supplier of self-compacting concrete. Our RMC plant is based in Delhi NCR and we produce this self-compacting concrete at our plant in Sahibabad.

Self-compacting concrete is a specialized type of concrete that is highly fluid and has the ability to flow and compact under its weight without the need for mechanical vibration.

Self-compacting concrete is also known as self-consolidating concrete due to its unique self-leveling and self-consolidating properties. Self-compacting concrete is designed to fill complex and congested formwork without segregation or bleeding, making it particularly useful in construction projects with intricate shapes, dense reinforcement, or limited access for traditional vibration methods.

Why Self Compacting Concrete

Benefits of self compacting concrete

  • High workability: self compacting concrete can be easily placed and compacted with minimal effort, reducing labor and construction time
  • Reduced noise and vibration: Since self compacting concrete eliminates the need for mechanical vibration, it reduces noise pollution and the potential for vibration-related health hazards for construction workers.
  • Improved durability: Properly designed self compacting concrete can enhance the durability and long-term performance of concrete structures by reducing the number of voids and enhancing the concrete's homogeneity.
  • High-rise Buildings: self compacting concrete is particularly beneficial in constructing tall buildings with complex shapes and congested reinforcement
  • Bridge Construction: self compacting concrete is commonly used in bridge construction, especially for constructing bridge piers and decks with intricate shapes and heavy reinforcement.
  • Foundation and Basement Construction: self compacting concrete is suitable for the construction of foundations and basement walls, especially in areas with dense reinforcement and limited space.

Key characteristics of self compacting concrete:

  • Flowability: self compacting concrete has excellent flow properties, allowing it to easily spread and fill formwork, even in congested areas, without the need for external compaction.
  • Stability: Despite its high flowability, self compacting concrete maintains stability and does not segregate or settle, ensuring uniform distribution of aggregates and cementitious materials.
  • Superior finish: Due to its ability to flow and level itself, self compacting concrete provides a smooth and uniform surface finish, minimizing the need for further finishing work.

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